Rohan Menon

Doctoral Researcher
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

I am Rohan Menon from India. I hold a M.Sc. from the University of Sheffield, UK, in Human and Molecular Genetics, and am currently pursuing my PhD education at the Max Planck Center next Generation Insect Chemical Ecology (nGICE), based at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp, Sweden. My project, under the supervision of Dr. Sharon Hill (SLU), Dr. Rickard Ignell (SLU) and Dr. Martin Andersson (LU), is focused on the genetic basis for host preference in the disease vector mosquito, Culex pipiens, focusing on the two biotypes Culex pipiens pipiens and Culex pipiens molestus:

Anthropogenic impact on the vector capacity of Culex pipiens

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